Post 5: changes to my study program

 hello everyone, in this new edition of my blog we will talk about my study program.

I think it is normal that students do not agree with some methods used by some professors, in my case I feel that the academic overload in the career I study is very big, I feel that we have many courses in each semester and that although in most cases they have some long-term usefulness, we have to devote too much time to each course due to the level of difficulty they have. On the other hand, I believe that the problem is not only the difficulty, but that in the end we do not end up evaluating what each course initially proposes as an objective, I feel that the students understand the concepts and what the course wants to teach, but at the time of taking the tests these are totally different and with a much higher difficulty than what was learned in class. 

Regarding the schedule, I think that there is not much consideration for the fact that in addition to studying each student has other occupations, family matters, responsibilities at home, work, among other things. You have to dedicate too much time to the university to the point of feeling guilty when you are not studying because you have to have a good academic performance and if you do many things outside of studying, you don't have enough time. 

I think there are many things to improve, even in terms of infrastructure, there is only one room that covers the necessary capacity for the number of students there. I sincerely hope that the university can improve all these aspects for these and future generations of students. 



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