Post 4: a time travel

 Hi everyone, this is a new edition of my blog, maybe it is not the best blog, but it is an honest work. The topic of this day is a trip, an impressive trip, but not related to long distances or something like that, it is a travel through the TIME, sounds weird but in my blog everything is possible. 

If i think in the future it is really hard for me to imagine what will happen because there are a lot of posibilities, but if I could choose when and where I would like to live in a world where people were more empathetic and there were no problems because of things like race, place of birth, socioeconomic status, borders between countries and such things. 

I would also like to see progress on issues such as pollution and the use of clean energy and that there could also be a better distribution of money, since today there are several people who have enough money to end poverty in several places but prefer to continue saving it and using it to live a life full of luxuries while other people do not have enough to eat in their daily lives. 

I think it would be great to live in a future where people can look back and realize how strange it was that some people had more money than they could spend while others didn't even have money to live decently. 

I really don't know if at some point in time there will be a place where the inequality is not so big and taking care of the planet would be something normal, but if that time and place ever exists, I would like to be there. 



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